Amanda Hoey (Marshall Fellow)

Descripción: I am inquiring if you will direct me to an appropriate person at BBF who would be willing to meet with me for a short interview. I have been selected as a Marshall Memorial Fellow through the German Marshall Fund and will be travelling to a number of European cities discussing issues that have the potential for further transatlantic cooperation. Structures to support innovation and entrepreneurship is of particular interest.
Estado de confirmación: Confirmada
Fecha Inicio: 09:00:00 - jueves 04 mayo 2017
Duración: 3 Horas
Fecha Fin: 12:00:00 - jueves 04 mayo 2017
Tipo: Interna
Creada por: lberasategi
Modified by:
Última Actualización: 15:53:50 - martes 25 abril 2017
Tipo Repetición: Ninguna
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